Biotechnology Innovation Excellence & Business Leadership in California

The importance of biotech & how California excels in this business domain

Biotechnology (Biotech) is not a buzzword or hype anymore. Yet, it has its substance and impact on the national and global economy. Biotech-careers reports 8,150 employers of biotechnology in the US and 2,248 of them in California.

Before introducing the progress in California, let me give you a very high-level overview of biotechnology introducing its meaning and relationship with other disciplines. First, it can be helpful to understand what biotechnology means, its scope, and the problems it solves. Then, I touch on the business and economic aspects of this exciting field in California.

Biotech covers the use of technology for living beings to create new systems, products, and tools from organisms. Healthtech that I introduced in another article on News Break is closely related to biotech from a products and tools implementation perspective.

As the name suggests, biotech uses technology for manifesting biological outcomes. Contributions of informatics, artificial intelligence (AI), and other emerging technologies such as Big Data, IoT (Internet of Things), data analytics and Cloud Computing have accelerated the growth of this sector.

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