Featured Stories on ILLUMINATION – Medium

Compiled by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Selected Stories from ILLUMINATION writers Today

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

An invitation to poets to collaborate for productive funmedium.com

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.; J.D.

Leaving An Abusive Relationship
be very careful…medium.com

Tree Langdon, CPA, CGA

Teach Your Daughters About Red Flags
It May Save Their Lifemedium.com

Karen Madej

Weekly Wisdom from Karen
#philosophy #spirituality #kindness #communicationmedium.com

Jeff Herring

STOP Doing THAT and Start Doing THIS
The power of creating content daily…medium.com

The Maverick Files

MAGA, China Virus, Executive Time — The Legacy Trump Leaves Behind
He’s got many flaws, being boring isn’t one of themmedium.com

Marilyn Flower

What if He Wins? Projections on Coping with My Worst Nightmare
With a big thank you to Byron Katie and her work.medium.com

Phil Truman

After Thoughts
From a random votermedium.com

Anthony M. Davis

How To Know Disinformation When You See It
When you see it coming, you have the power to be free of it.medium.com

Lawson Wallace

Lawson Wallace
My Fiction Writer’s Writer’s Biomedium.com

Daniella Mini

Need Writing Motivation? These 3 Quotes Are Sure to Give You Some
Unexpected observations about writers and writing from David Sedaris, Malcolm Gladwell and Neil deGrasse Tysonmedium.com

Bridget Cougar

Fave Essays I Read Week Ending 11/7
Essays on solo travel, art, legacy, feminism, mothers, daughters, lockdowns with hopemedium.com

Amanze Collins

AI And The Fight Against The Covid-19 Coronavirus
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been used to support the fight against the viral pandemic that has affected the entire…medium.com

Daniel Hopkirk

What Neuroscience Tells Us About Studying Structure
How to manipulate your study to learn more with less.medium.com


A micro poem.medium.com

Kashish Mehta

5 Ways To Know When You Are Being Lied To
All Liars Have A Universal Languagemedium.com

Kensho Keith

I Am Human
You cannot steal my worth. RIP Jacob Blake and the countless other victims of police violence.medium.com

Nancy Peckenham

Dialing the Phone Was a Crapshoot at Election Time
I signed up to make phone calls for the Maine Democratic party where I live, in the part of the state that went for…medium.com

Molly Jo Triplett: The Wonder Compass

Cloud Form Meditation
Walking Mindfulness Photography Meditationmedium.com

Vee Goldman

As Life Slips Away
Accept death as part of livingmedium.com

Marlane Ainsworth

Zen of Life and Writing
Work, relax, don’t thinkmedium.com

Bernadette DeCarlo

Your firedmedium.com

Brian Lamacraft

Why Does Voting in America Seem Hard?
How I vote in my countrymedium.com

Craig Carroll

Being Right vs. Being Effective
One of the hardest lessons of lifemedium.com

Vixen Lea

a poem of discoverymedium.com


How does a newbie make money from blogging?
Here’s a Guide to Making $1,000 a Month.medium.com

EP McKnight, MEd

The Brightest Day In Four Years
A poem of freedom for the world with president elect Bidenmedium.com

Shreya Badonia

You’re a Philosopher’s Stone
A poem for everyone fighting a silent battlemedium.com

Mitchell G.

The Lion & The Fox
One must be a fox in order to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten off wolves — Niccolò Machiavellimedium.com

Alvin Ang

I Watched My Best Friend Get Brutally Knocked Out
And it taught me a lesson I will never forget.medium.com

Sean Smith

Becoming the Shit on Medium
My Toxic Trifecta of Social Validation Dependencymedium.com

Nathan Burriston

How to Capitalize on All Your Mistakes
You need to find the gifts in all your blundersmedium.com

Patrick M. Ohana

Twitter Disagreed
A happening haikumedium.com

Nasar Karim

Your world does not exist
A poem about sanctuarymedium.com

Maria Barros

Dark Water
A poem about carrying someone’s weight and sharing the unquietness of living.medium.com


Your Child is Under-Performing
Please sign and initial belowmedium.com

Floyd Mori

The 164 House Republicans Were Probably Reelected
They voted against condemning racismmedium.com

Randy Rather

My platformmedium.com

Rita Duponty

Pitch It
Life’s clutter.medium.com

James Ssekamatte

5 Books Every Adulting Person Should Read
Books that will help you live a more fulfilled lifemedium.com

Destiny Femi

You Are Constantly Getting Chances to Grow
You just don’t take them.medium.com

Sridhar Pai Tonse

How a Fire Accident Triggered a Marketing Campaign
Network equipment lay half burnt and floating on a lakemedium.com

Amar Desai

How to Highlight & Share the Best Moments from Podcasts
Bookmark best parts of podcasts live the life of a legend and get nostalgicmedium.com

Trista Ainsworth

Your Infinite Connections
People all around you are cheering you onmedium.com

Susannah MacKinnie

Orange You Glad to See Me
Acrostic knock-knock jokesmedium.com

Bill Abbate

How to Be Proactive in Your Life
To act or not to act, that is the questionmedium.com

Douglas Pilarski

Confessions of a Jar Collector
A pickle jar label does not need to survive a scud missile attackmedium.com

A. Nonymous

“Gotcha! You Just Misused This Political Term!” Does Nothing To Help The Public Discourse
In times like these, you have to come alongside people and meet them where they are.medium.com

Terry Mansfield

Trump’s On His Way Out And Biden’s On His Way In
America will have a new president on January 20th, 2020.medium.com

Rufat Rassulov

No, Apple Doesn’t Care About Ecology
Here is why you shouldn’t believe the liarsmedium.com

Alison Flickinger

The Symbolism of a Knee Injury
When I injured my knee over a year ago, it really made me pause and realize how much I took the ability to walk for…medium.com

Markus Scorelius

You are Right 98.5% of the Time You Arrogant Twat
I’ve uncovered and exposed the Deep State for Youmedium.com

Nathan White

Winning Is Not Normal
Winning, at anything, is not normal. There can only be one winner from all the teams who start.medium.com

Matthew Royse

You Are the Company You Keep So Surround Yourself with Smart People
Success breeds success so be picky about who you spend time withmedium.com

Mathias Barra

How To Decide Whether You Should Turn Your Passion Into Money
Not everything deserves to be compensated.medium.com

Riku Arikiri

A Whip’s Tale In Rumble Town
Short fiction poetry about delinquency.medium.com

Father Matt

The Mountain and The Climber
a motivational parable from someone who doesn’t climb, but understands lifemedium.com


Why Is Lying Wrong, or Is It?
We’re living in an age when lies, half-truths, fake news, and misspeaking has become the-order-of-the-day. Is lying…medium.com

Terry Trueman

A Tiny Bit of Perspective, on Election Day 2020
Don’t get me wrong, I’m as wound up and crazy and most other political junkies at this time, but . . .medium.com

Sherry S

No-Nonsense Career Advice Many People Learn Too Late in Their Careers
It’s all about reframingmedium.com

Gary McBrine

How to Break Free from Your Past — And Choose Your Future
“The door to the Universe is you”medium.com

Tree Langdon, CPA, CGA

Is Your Life Determined By Luck?
The Domino Effectmedium.com

Boateng Sekyere

6 Writing Tips to Master Immediately if You Want to Write Memorable Articles Your Readers Will…
Some tips to spice up your articlesmedium.com

Agnes Laurens

Fiction Writers and The Fiction Club
Compile your fiction stories to be recognized as a fiction writer.medium.com

Ntathu Allen

Busy Women: How to Beat Stress and Feel Good Every Day
the power of a rested womanmedium.com

Aldric Chen

This Is What A Divisive Election Feels Like. My Perspective.
In Brief: You cannot avoid listening to, engaging in, conversing about it.medium.com

Jacquelyn Lynn

From Now On: Ignore the Polls
Two simple reasons to ignore all political pollsmedium.com

Thank you for reading our interesting stories.

How to Survive and Thrive on Medium
Essential guide to new writersmedium.com

If you are a fiction and poetry writer, you can join our new clubs.


An invitation to fiction writers to unite and collaborate for productive funmedium.com


An invitation to poets to collaborate for productive funmedium.com

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Invitation to New Writers

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