Longevity Tips

Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no cure to death at this stage. However, most of us want to live as long as possible. Having a quality life even at older ages matters to us. I can’t imagine anyone who wants to suffer from physical and mental pain at any age.

Many longevity scientists aspire to find solutions to reduce the effects of cell death and prevent DNA damage to expand life span. Some scientists and philosophers even imagine producing possible solutions to stop dying.

There are many threats to longevity. The critical ones are chronic stress, major diseases, health conditions such as metabolic syndrome, inflammation, biological decay, structural decay such as muscle and bone density loss, toxins, pathogens, and accidents.

We can take personal responsibility for preventing most of these factors. I briefly touch on key points within our control and personal responsibility without going into detail as each point is very comprehensive in nature.

Aspects of Longevity Within our Control

Thank you for reading my perspectives.What I Learned about Longevity from a 105-Year-Old Centenarian
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About the Author

I am a technologist, postdoctoral researcher, author of several books, editor, and digital marketing strategist with four decades of industry experience.

I write articles on Medium, NewsBreak, and Vocal Media. On Medium, I established ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR, ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, Technology Hits, SYNERGY, and Readers Hope publications supporting 12,000+ writers on Medium. You can join my publications requesting access here. You may subscribe to my account to be notified when I post on Medium. I share my health and well-being stories in my publication, Euphoria.

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